How it works

Your path to optimal health

Navigate your health Check-up with ease. From registration to results - everything is seamless, intuitive, and digital.


Fast appointment availability


Supplementary insurance


Swiss certified laboratory


Central locations


Fast appointment availability


Supplementary insurance


Swiss certified laboratory


Central locations

Become a CARE member

Start your journey with a health Check-up

blood tube

Step 1

Book your Check-up

Schedule your health Check-up at one of our centrally located partner locations across Switzerland.

results in app

Step 2

Get your results

Receive insights from top doctors in a detailed report or a video consultation. We’ll call you if there are critical results.

Step 3

Take action & Track progress

Monitor early signs of disease. Find out where and how to improve. Test regularly to watch your health over time.

Every journey starts with a goal

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Optimize supplements

Receive a tailored supplement regimen and expert recommendations based on continuous monitoring of your blood results and weight.

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Manage weight

Achieve your ideal weight with a personalized plan. Track your progress and receive expert guidance to reach your goals.

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Build strength

Enhance your fitness with a strength-building program. Follow a structured approach to increase muscle and improve overall health.

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Manage stress

Learn effective strategies to reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Receive support to create a balanced and peaceful life.

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Improve sleep

Enhance your sleep quality with tailored advice. Discover habits and routines that lead to restful, rejuvenating sleep.

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Understand hormones

Gain insights into your hormone balance, understand imbalances, and receive recommendations for optimal wellbeing.

Enhance your journey with targeted Add-ons

Blood Type

Blood test

Blood Type

CHF 95.–

Clock Icon


Testing your blood type is vital for emergencies, health risks, pregnancy planning, and organ donation compatibility as it helps doctors make informed healthcare decisions.

Profit from your insurance

Check if your supplementary insurance covers the Check-up

How much is covered by my insurance?

Fill out your details and receive your personalized calculation by email.

I would like to be updated about health tips, special offers and more.

By providing this information, you agree that you have read and understood the Privacy Policy.

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What our customers say




Julius Filleboeck

Julius Filleboeck


Ruedi Kobel

Ruedi Kobel


Joshua Wilking

Joshua Wilking





Fischer Psc

Fischer Psc


patrick schmid

patrick schmid


Alona Bärtschi

Alona Bärtschi


Marcel Ulrich

Marcel Ulrich


Kristina Lips

Kristina Lips


Pascale Wahl

Pascale Wahl


Fredrik Brandsberg

Fredrik Brandsberg


Manuela Nieth

Manuela Nieth


Denise Bertschinger

Denise Bertschinger



Find out more about health, prevention and longevity

General Health

The Health Check-Up – An Essential Element of Preventive Medicine

Our health is our most valuable asset and plays a decisive role in determining our quality of life. Growing old and still being fit while doing so is a goal that every one of us has, but at the same time, it is one that many people only address once it is already too late. The keyword for this circumstance is “lifestyle diseases.” Have you ever heard of this term? It refers to non-communicable diseases, also called NCDs. Non-communicable diseases are the main item of health insurance in the US, meaning many people are affected by those diseases. But what are these non-communicable diseases, and how can you protect yourself? Regular check-ups allow you to take your health into your own hands – especially regarding the development of these so-called lifestyle diseases. In this article, CARE would like to show you how a health check gives you a chance for early detection of changes in your body and how this enables you to influence the potential course of diseases. With a health check-up, you can take timely measures to prevent disease development or take advantage of preventive treatment options or life changes to prevent something worse.

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Live Longer With Anti-Inflammatory Foods – A Guide by CARE

Inflammation is often thought to be harmful. In fact, inflammatory processes serve as the body's crucial defense mechanism in response to injury and infection. Chronic inflammation, however, deserves the bad reputation since it often goes unnoticed for decades, contributing to some of the leading causes of death in Western countries, including lifestyle diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. You can reduce these risks with a balanced diet of anti-inflammatory foods. In this guide, CARE dives deep into how inflammation occurs, which foods have powerful anti-inflammatory effects, and which meals you're better off consuming only occasionally because they can promote or increase inflammation.

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Mental Health

Do You Have a Stress Belly? — Stomach Fat From Stress

Did you know that stress can not only affect you emotionally but also your physical appearance? In fact, beyond the mental toll it takes on us, stress can manifest as abdominal fat, the so-called “stress belly.” In this article, CARE will explain how stress can lead to excess fat in the belly area and what you can do to get rid of a stress belly.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Start understanding your health better today

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