Urea is the main breakdown product of proteins in the body. Its determination helps doctors in part to assess kidney function
Urea is produced in the liver during the breakdown of amino acids. The kidneys excrete urea in the urine. Since urea is produced when amino acids are metabolized, the most common reason for low urea levels is decreased protein intake. An increase in urea can be caused by a fluid deficit or increased protein consumption. Elevated urea levels can also be measured during overly intense endurance training. Urea levels also indicate how well the kidneys are functioning. Urea itself is non-toxic, but in high concentrations can cause headaches fatigue or vomiting.
Uric acid is formed as the end product of purine metabolism. Purines are, among other things, building blocks of DNA.
Uric acid is formed during the breakdown of DNA. In a healthy person, there is a balance between uric acid build-up and uric acid excretion via the kidneys. Uric acid can be kept within the normal range through a balanced diet. If the amount of uric acid in the blood exceeds a certain limit, uric acid crystals can be deposited in the joints and trigger painful gout attacks. Diet has a great influence on the blood concentration of uric acid. Foods that contain particularly high levels of purines include meat and fish. To prevent these gout attacks, it is important to consume foods that are as low in uric acid as possible. Uric acid levels outside the normal range can also occur in chronic kidney disease, hyperparathyroidism, alcoholism or lipid metabolism disorders.
Erythrocytes is the medical term for Red Blood Cells. Among other things, they transport oxygen through the body.
The Red Blood Cells are called erythrocytes. They are round, disc-shaped cells in the blood, 90% of which are made up of red blood pigment (hemoglobin). The Red Blood Cells transport oxygen in the blood. If the Red Blood Cells values are too low, this can be an indication of anemia, but overhydration of the blood can also play a role. The cell count alone is not sufficient for the diagnosis and clarification of anemia. Excessively high erythrocyte counts can indicate, for example, a disease of the blood-forming cells or dehydration.
Mean cell volume (MCV) provides information on the average volume of red blood cells.
The MCV value is determined as part of a blood test; it is part of the so-called blood count. MCV is particularly important for determining the trigger of anemia. It describes the size of the red blood cells. If the MCV is low, the anemia is microcytic: the red blood cells are too small, and the most common cause is iron deficiency. If the MCV is increased, it is a anemia with enlarged red blood cells, often caused by a vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency.
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is the average concentration of hemoglobin contained in a single red blood cell.
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is the average concentration of hemoglobin contained in a single red blood cell. MCH levels that are too low may indicate anemia due to copper or vitamin B6 deficiency. MCH levels that are too high may also indicate anemia or red blood cell depletion. The red blood cells are strongly colored and enlarged due to the increased hemoglobin. There is usually a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid. Alcoholism can also be the cause of an increase in MCH.
Hemoglobin is a protein that helps transport oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body.
Hemoglobin is a protein compound and makes up about 90% of red blood cells. It consists largely of iron and gives the blood its typical red color. Hemoglobin is responsible for oxygen transport - therefore it is essential for good performance and endurance. A lowered hemoglobin level can be a first indication of overhydration or anemia. Pregnancy also causes hemoglobin levels to drop. If the values are too high, there could be dehydration or excessive multiplication of blood cells. Such an increase occurs, for example, in certain heart, lung and kidney diseases. But also heavy smoking and a longer stay in high mountains increase hemoglobin levels.
Hematocrit measures the percentage of red blood cells in the blood that transport oxygen around the body.
A hematocrit test is part of a complete blood count. The hematocrit shows the percentage of blood cells in relation to the total blood volume. A low hematocrit may indicate an inadequate supply of healthy red blood cells, infection, blood cell disease, renal insufficiency, vitamin or mineral deficiency, or blood loss. A high hematocrit, on the other hand, may indicate dehydration, heavy smoking, or lung or heart disease.
The Blood Platelets are also called thrombocytes and, like the white blood cells and the Red Blood Cells, belong to the cellular components of the blood.
Thrombocytes are colorless blood cells that support blood clotting. Platelets stop bleeding by clumping together when blood vessels are injured and forming a so-called thrombus. Too many or too few platelets can lead to disorders in thrombus formation or bleeding disorders. If one has too few platelets, this may indicate a disease of the bone marrow or a problem with the immune system. Certain medications can also reduce the platelet count. Platelet counts may vary slightly during a menstrual cycle and may be decreased during the final stages of pregnancy.
HbA1c is measured to determine the average blood glucose level over the past few months.
The HbA1c value provides information about how high the average sugar concentration in the blood was. A normal blood glucose level contributes to a healthy life, because an elevated blood glucose level damages the blood vessels and various organs in the long term. Therefore, it is important to check the HbA1c level to detect any diabetes as early as possible. HbA1c is used to diagnose type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The higher the HbA1c level, the poorer the blood glucose control and the higher the risk of complications. A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet helps keep blood glucose under control.
Fasting Sugar Level, a blood marker, is key in diagnosing conditions like diabetes and prediabetes, as it measures blood glucose levels after eight hours of fasting, with high levels potentially indicating metabolic disorders.
Fasting Sugar Level is a blood marker typically used to measure the level of glucose in the blood after you have not eaten for at least eight hours. This test is crucial in diagnosing conditions like diabetes and prediabetes. High fasting glucose levels may indicate that your body is unable to process and utilize glucose correctly, which can be a sign of diabetes or other metabolic disorders. Therefore, regular monitoring of fasting glucose levels can help manage and prevent these conditions.
Cholesterol is an important blood fat - it is found in almost all body cells and is needed for the production of hormones and vitamins.
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that the body needs in the right amounts for good health. Poor cholesterol levels are often caused by lifestyle habits such as an unhealthy diet combined with genetic predisposition. Lifestyle changes can bring cholesterol levels into the healthy range. The human body is able to produce cholesterol on its own, only a small amount is taken in with food. Elevated cholesterol levels promote the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as damage to blood vessels. Keeping cholesterol levels in check is important for preventing heart attacks, strokes and other vascular diseases. If you have a family history of cholesterol, you should have your cholesterol levels measured from the age of 20.
LDL-Cholesterol is one of the transporters of cholesterol in the blood. Despite its vital properties, it is considered bad cholesterol because it promotes atherosclerosis.
LDL is known as "bad" cholesterol. It is responsible for transporting cholesterol from the liver to the other organs. Excessive levels of LDL-Cholesterol may indicate an increased risk. High LDL-Cholesterol can lead to excess cholesterol in the arteries, which are the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the body. Over time, the LDL-Cholesterol can enter the walls of the blood vessels and build up, causing the vessels to narrow. This process can restrict blood flow, increase blood pressure and ultimately put a strain on the heart. It is therefore important to keep LDL levels as low as possible - this is possible with plenty of exercise and a balanced diet.
Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is used for precise assessment of the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In comparison to the conventional lipid profile test, ApoB proves to be more accurate, as it consolidates all "unfavorable" or risk-increasing lipoproteins (primarily LDL, VLDL, IDL, and also Lp(a)) into a single value.
Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is a molecule that enwrapps a lipoprotein particle (which carries cholesterol) to give structure, stability, and most important solubility to the particle. In simpler terms, ApoB guides lipids like cholesterol to their destination. Therefore, the issue isn't cholesterol itself, but rather the nature of the transporting particle. And ApoB only gives rides to the kind of lipids that have a bad reputation: low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), intermediate density lipoprotein (ILDL), as well as Lipoprotein a (Lp(a)). The good cholesterol (HDL) isn't found in the company of ApoB. Therefore, the presence of ApoB guarantees the presence of various lipoproteins, including LDL and others, all contributing to atherosclerosis. Direct measurement of LDL, VLDL or ILDL only provides information on how much cholesterol these particles carry. Since particles drive risk, it is important to know the number of those particles. And this is exactly where ApoB helps us and provides us with more accurate information, because with ApoB we can measure all particles with a "bad reputation". Think of blood vessels as bustling streetways full of cars. LDL only tells you the number of total passengers (cholesterol) on the road, while ApoB tells you the number of cars (particles), which is much more important from a risk perspective (traffic jam). For this reason, ApoB provides an important risk assessment for cardiovascular diseases and goes beyond traditional measurements like LDL or Non-HDL Cholesterol. In essence, cardiovascular risk hinges not solely on lipoproteins but also on lifestyle modifications (like quitting smoking, managing blood pressure, addressing insulin resistance, etc.). However, neglecting knowledge of your ApoB levels means not fully taking advantage of the tools at our disposal to estimate your risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
Non-HDL includes all LDL and Apolipoprotein B-carrying lipoproteins and their precursors
Non-HDL-Cholesterol is part of the so-called lipid profile, which, in addition to LDL and HDL-Cholesterol, Apolipoprotein B, and Lipoprotein (a), is used for risk prognosis for the development of cardiovascular diseases. It includes all types of cholesterol in your blood, except for HDL-Cholesterol, which is often referred to as 'good' cholesterol. Non-HDL-Cholesterol includes LDL and other lipoproteins that can increase the risk of heart diseases if their levels are too high.
HDL is a transport system for cholesterol in the blood. It is also considered good cholesterol because, unlike LDL, it does not cause atherosclerosis.
HDL-Cholesterol is often referred to as "good" cholesterol and helps remove other forms of cholesterol from the bloodstream. It absorbs excess cholesterol in the blood and brings it back to the liver, where it is broken down and removed from the body. To some degree, people with naturally higher levels of HDL-Cholesterol have a lower risk of heart attack and stroke - so HDL helps prevent vascular disease. Plant-based fats such as walnuts and avocado contain plant-based unsaturated fats in the form of HDL. A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet helps keep HDL high. HDL-Cholesterol is the natural antagonist of LDL-Cholesterol.
Lipoprotein(a) indicates the genetic risk for cardiovascular disease. It is largely genetically determined. This means that the level in the blood is predetermined from birth and cannot really be influenced.
Lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a) for short, is a so-called lipoprotein and a component of blood lipids. It tells us the genetic risk for cardiovascular disease and varies greatly in different ethnic groups. The majority of the population has a low Lp(a) level of <30 mg/dl. Twenty percent of the population, however, have Lp(a) levels >50mg/dl, indicating a very high genetic risk for cardiovascular disease. For this reason, Lp(a) should be determined at least once in life, especially if there is a family history of early heart attacks. It is important to determine Lp(a) as early as possible, ideally well before the age of 40, if heart disease runs in the family. This gives enough time to dramatically reduce the cardiovascular risk from a prevention point of view. Unfortunately, Lp(a) cannot be influenced in a clinically relevant way by diet or lifestyle changes. A class of drugs called PCSK9 inhibitors, which aim to lower apolipoprotein B (ApoB) levels, appears to be able to reduce Lp(a) levels by about 30 per cent, but there are no data yet to suggest that this can reduce increased cardiovascular events (heart attacks).The currently only effective treatment approach is the aggressive management of all risk-increasing lipoproteins using medications to counteract elevated Lp(a) levels.
Triglycerides serve as an energy reserve for the body and are stored in fatty tissue until they are needed.
Triglycerides are fats that circulate in the blood and are stored in fat cells. A low triglyceride level is important for long-term health. Most fats we eat - especially butter, margarine and oil - contain triglycerides. When you eat more calories than your body needs, the extra calories are converted to triglycerides and stored in fat cells. High triglyceride levels can lead to thickening of the artery walls and increase the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart disease. High triglyceride levels are often indicative of other conditions that can negatively impact health, such as obesity, high blood pressure and blood sugar, and elevated cholesterol levels. For good prevention with regard to cardiovascular disease, it pays to control triglyceride levels and keep them within the norm - this is possible with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet.
Erythrocytes is the medical term for Red Blood Cells. Among other things, they transport oxygen through the body.
The Red Blood Cells are called erythrocytes. They are round, disc-shaped cells in the blood, 90% of which are made up of red blood pigment (hemoglobin). The Red Blood Cells transport oxygen in the blood. If the Red Blood Cells values are too low, this can be an indication of anemia, but overhydration of the blood can also play a role. The cell count alone is not sufficient for the diagnosis and clarification of anemia. Excessively high erythrocyte counts can indicate, for example, a disease of the blood-forming cells or dehydration.
Mean cell volume (MCV) provides information on the average volume of red blood cells.
The MCV value is determined as part of a blood test; it is part of the so-called blood count. MCV is particularly important for determining the trigger of anemia. It describes the size of the red blood cells. If the MCV is low, the anemia is microcytic: the red blood cells are too small, and the most common cause is iron deficiency. If the MCV is increased, it is a anemia with enlarged red blood cells, often caused by a vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency.
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is the average concentration of hemoglobin contained in a single red blood cell.
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is the average concentration of hemoglobin contained in a single red blood cell. MCH levels that are too low may indicate anemia due to copper or vitamin B6 deficiency. MCH levels that are too high may also indicate anemia or red blood cell depletion. The red blood cells are strongly colored and enlarged due to the increased hemoglobin. There is usually a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid. Alcoholism can also be the cause of an increase in MCH.
Hemoglobin is a protein that helps transport oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body.
Hemoglobin is a protein compound and makes up about 90% of red blood cells. It consists largely of iron and gives the blood its typical red color. Hemoglobin is responsible for oxygen transport - therefore it is essential for good performance and endurance. A lowered hemoglobin level can be a first indication of overhydration or anemia. Pregnancy also causes hemoglobin levels to drop. If the values are too high, there could be dehydration or excessive multiplication of blood cells. Such an increase occurs, for example, in certain heart, lung and kidney diseases. But also heavy smoking and a longer stay in high mountains increase hemoglobin levels.
Hematocrit measures the percentage of red blood cells in the blood that transport oxygen around the body.
A hematocrit test is part of a complete blood count. The hematocrit shows the percentage of blood cells in relation to the total blood volume. A low hematocrit may indicate an inadequate supply of healthy red blood cells, infection, blood cell disease, renal insufficiency, vitamin or mineral deficiency, or blood loss. A high hematocrit, on the other hand, may indicate dehydration, heavy smoking, or lung or heart disease.
The Blood Platelets are also called thrombocytes and, like the white blood cells and the Red Blood Cells, belong to the cellular components of the blood.
Thrombocytes are colorless blood cells that support blood clotting. Platelets stop bleeding by clumping together when blood vessels are injured and forming a so-called thrombus. Too many or too few platelets can lead to disorders in thrombus formation or bleeding disorders. If one has too few platelets, this may indicate a disease of the bone marrow or a problem with the immune system. Certain medications can also reduce the platelet count. Platelet counts may vary slightly during a menstrual cycle and may be decreased during the final stages of pregnancy.
Holo-TC is an active vitamin B12 and is considered a reliable laboratory parameter of vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin, the body cannot produce it itself and is therefore dependent on a sufficient intake. Among other things, vitamin B12 is important for the formation of red blood cells. Foods containing vitamin B12 are mainly animal products such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Holotranscobalamin (holo-TC), also known as active vitamin B12, is the earliest laboratory parameter of vitamin B12 deficiency. A lowered holo-TC level is an indication that the body does not have enough usable vitamin B12. A level that is too low can contribute to fatigue and exhaustion. Especially in the case of a strict vegan diet, the holo-TC should be checked regularly.
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) is a vitamin that is responsible for cell division.
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) is a water-soluble vitamin that the human body cannot produce itself. It is important for the production of genetic material and for the formation of Red- and White Blood Cells. It also plays a role in iron and Vitamin B12 metabolism. In women who take the contraceptive pill or are pregnant, the requirement is increased. Recent findings suggest that folic acid contributes to protection against cardiovascular disease. Typical symptoms of Folic Acid deficiency include pallor, changes in the tongue, fatigue, tiredness and difficulty concentrating. Unborn children who receive too little Folic Acid through their mothers are at risk of developmental disorders of the nervous system. Therefore, it is recommended to take folic acid even before pregnancy if you wish to have a child.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble Vitamin and plays a role in the body's mineral metabolism as well as in a variety of other tasks.
Vitamin D supports bone metabolism, strengthens the immune system, strengthens the muscles, regulates the absorption of calcium in the intestine and promotes the incorporation of calcium and phosphate into the bones. It makes the bones hard and strong. It is also called sun vitamin, because it needs UV rays for transformation in human body. Food intake accounts for only a small proportion of the vitamin D supply, about 10 to 20 percent. Especially in winter, many people have a vitamin D deficiency. An inadequate supply of vitamin D can lead to an increased risk of diseases such as rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
Sodium is a vital element and occurs naturally in table salt. Together with chloride and potassium, it is one of the body's most important electrolytes.
The body receives sodium through food and loses it through sweat and urine. Healthy kidneys ensure a constant sodium level in the body by controlling excretion with the urine. In this way, a healthy body constantly controls blood volume and sodium concentration, and thus blood pressure. Sensors in the heart, blood vessels and kidneys detect when there is too much or too little sodium and then control excretion via the kidneys. In this way, blood volume is normalized. Low sodium levels can occur with intake of too much fluid, renal insufficiency, heart failure, cirrhosis, and the use of diuretics. Excessive sodium levels may indicate water loss in the body without electrolyte loss (e.g., heavy sweating), inadequate fluid intake, or disease.
Potassium is a vital element. Together with sodium and chloride, it is one of the body's most important electrolytes.
Potassium is found in almost all foods. It is of central importance for the body's water balance and is involved in the acid-base balance. Potassium levels that are too high can indicate kidney weakness, a hormone disorder, therapy with antihypertensive or dehydrating drugs, or hyperacidity of the blood. Low potassium levels are mainly caused by vomiting, diarrhea, adrenal gland disorders, or use of diuretics. Too low a potassium level or too high a potassium level can be life-threatening.
Calcium is a vital mineral and an important parameter in disorders of bone and calcium metabolism.
Calcium is an important parameter in laboratory diagnostics of bone and calcium metabolism. The vital mineral is involved in a large number of physiological processes, such as bone metabolism and blood clotting. The human body stores one to two kilograms of calcium, depending on size and gender. Calcium intake is particularly high during the growth phase and during pregnancy. In old age, however, the calcium requirement decreases again. The calcium level in the blood is regulated by hormones, vitamin D and phosphate metabolism, among other things. If calcium is needed in the blood, the mineral can be released from the bone or from the cells. A calcium level that is too low occurs, among other things, in the case of protein or vitamin deficiency, hormone disorders or due to certain medications. If a lack of absorption through food is the reason for a reduced calcium concentration, one should eat a calcium-rich diet.
Phosphate is the body's most important mineral next to calcium and is important for building bones and teeth.
The metabolism of Phosphate is closely linked to that of calcium. Therefore, Calcium and Phosphate are always assessed together in laboratory diagnostics. In addition to its role as a mineral, Phosphate also has important biological functions in cellular energy metabolism, in the formation of cell membranes, and as a buffer substance in the blood. Bones contain about 85 percent of the Phosphate in the body. In the blood, Phosphate levels move within a very narrow range, with only slight fluctuations tolerated. Elevated Phosphate levels in the blood may indicate chronic kidney weakness, deficiency of parathyroid hormone (e.g., after thyroid surgery) or, in rare cases, a bone tumor. Low values may indicate malnutrition, hormonal disorders or Vitamin D deficiency.
Together with calcium, potassium and sodium, magnesium is one of the minerals essential for life.
Magnesium plays a central role in energy metabolism, it participates in muscle contraction. Magnesium is absorbed through food and is essential for good performance and endurance. Without the mineral, muscles would not be able to contract. That is why a sufficient supply of magnesium is especially important for competitive athletes. Magnesium has a stabilizing effect on the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure and prevents cardiac arrhythmias. Too low magnesium levels can indicate hyperthyroidism or hyperacidity of the blood. Taking diuretic medications can also lower levels. Magnesium levels that are too high may indicate a breakdown of red blood cells or kidney weakness. Values can also be elevated if excessive use is made of acid-inhibiting stomach medications, which contain a lot of magnesium.
White Blood cells play an important role in the defense against pathogens such as bacteria or viruses. In the case of inflammation, White Blood Cells levels are increased.
White Blood Cells are blood cells that, unlike red blood cells, do not contain red blood pigment. They therefore appear white or colorless. There are a number of different classes of White Blood cells, each of which performs its own tasks in immune defense. Each of these cell types takes care of different forms of pathogens and proceeds differently in the immune defense. If the values are too high, this is usually a sign of a viral or bacterial infection. But stress, pregnancy, smoking, physical strain or certain medications such as cortisone can also lead to White Blood Cells outside the normal range.
Neutrophils represent the largest proportion of white blood cells. They serve as a defense against pathogens.
Neutrophil granulocytes are an important part of the immune system. They are mostly dormant in the bloodstream. Their main task is to defend the body against pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. If foreign bodies or pathogens enter the body, substances are released that attract the neutrophils. In many cases, the increased number of neutrophils is a necessary response by the body for healing or to ward off invading microorganisms or foreign bodies. Neutrophil granulocytes clean up destroyed tissue cells. In the process, pus is formed from them and the destroyed tissue cells.
Monocytes are a subtype of white blood cells and are an important part of the immune defense system.
Monocytes are the largest cells and belong to the white blood cells. They are formed in the bone marrow and subsequently transform into phagocytes. They play an important role in the immune defense, as they can absorb invading pathogens. Inside them, monocytes have various substances and enzymes to kill and break down the pathogen. An increased monocyte count occurs temporarily during the healing phase of acute infections. In rare cases, monocytes may also be increased in autoimmune diseases or certain types of cancer.
Eosinophils are white blood cells that play an important role in the body's response to allergic reactions, asthma, as well as infections with parasites.
Eosinophil granulocytes belong to the white blood cells. They are scavenger cells that "swallow" pathogens, especially parasites and worms. Elevated eosinophils also occur during the healing phase of bacterial infectious diseases such as scarlet fever. Other causes include allergies, asthma and, less commonly, certain cancers such as leukemia. If eosinophils are low, this may be due to an extreme stress situation.
Basophils are a small subgroup of white blood cells. They are part of the body's immune system.
Basophil granulocytes are involved in the body's immune defense. In certain allergic reactions such as hay fever or asthma, they can be detected in greater numbers in the blood. Inside them, they carry messenger substances which, when released, can cause or intensify an allergic reaction. If the basophilic granulocytes migrate into the skin and release the messenger substance histamine, they cause severe itching. However, they can also be triggers of inflammatory reactions. Together with mast cells, they play the key role in the defense against parasites.
Lymphocytes are a subgroup of white blood cells and have an important function in the targeted defense against infections.
The main task of lymphocytes is the targeted defense against foreign substances, especially infectious agents such as bacteria and viruses. In adults, elevated lymphocyte levels are found during the healing phase after infections. This is especially true in viral infections, but also in bacterial infections. Lymphocytes can also be elevated in diseases that are not caused by a pathogen, such as intestinal diseases or hormonal disorders. A low lymphocyte count can occur due to stress reactions or cortisone treatment.
"C-reactive protein" (CRP) is the most important laboratory value for detecting and monitoring inflammation in the body.
C-reactive protein is a protein that is produced in the liver in response to inflammation. Elevated levels are usually due to inflammatory processes in the body - most commonly in the case of a bacterial or viral infection. CRP is thought to play a causal role in the onset of plaque buildup in atherosclerosis. However, it does not represent the primary cause of atherosclerosis. Elevated levels of CRP are also found in smokers, diabetics, and the obese. An elevated CRP level does not allow a conclusion to be drawn about a specific disease, but requires further diagnostic measures depending on the physician's assessment.
ASAT is found primarily in the liver, but also in cardiac and skeletal muscle.
ASAT is an enzyme found in liver cells, heart cells and skeletal muscle cells. Slightly elevated levels of ASAT say little. More elevated values indicate liver damage, which can have many different causes, for example liver inflammation (hepatitis), poisoning, impaired blood supply to the liver or, in the worst case, liver tumors. Early detection of elevated liver values and clarification of the cause are important. However, liver enzyme elevations can also occur as a side effect of taking medication.
ALAT is found in liver cells and in the blood and provides information about liver function.
ALAT is an enzyme produced in the liver. It is considered the most important liver value, which can provide information about liver function. Normally, ALAT is not found in the blood, but almost exclusively in liver cells. Elevated ALAT levels in the blood therefore indicate that liver cells have been damaged or destroyed or are no longer functioning properly. Early detection of elevated liver values is therefore all the more important. However, liver enzyme elevations can also occur as a side effect of taking medication.
GGT is an enzyme that occurs mainly in the liver and transfers so-called amino groups.
Gamma-glutamyltransferase is an enzyme that occurs throughout the body, but mainly in the liver. The activity of GGT is measured in the blood. GGT helps transfer amino acids across the cell membrane and plays an important role in the processing of toxins by the liver. GGT can leak into the bloodstream when the liver or bile ducts are damaged. A high GGT level in the blood can therefore indicate liver damage or damage to the bile ducts. These can result from heavy alcohol consumption or alcoholic cirrhosis, among other things. Individuals who regularly consume large amounts of alcohol are very likely to have elevated GGT values. An increase in GGT activity is generally observed in all forms of liver damage.
Bilirubin is formed when red blood cells are broken down. It has a yellow-brownish color and is released into the intestine with the bile
Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment found in the bile of the liver. Its yellowing is the cause of jaundice. While some level of bilirubin in the blood is normal, higher than usual bilirubin levels can indicate various types of liver or bile duct problems. Sometimes an elevated bilirubin level can be caused by an increased rate of red blood cell destruction. Measuring bilirubin can help determine if the bile ducts in the liver or gallbladder may be blocked. It can also help in the detection of liver disease, especially hepatitis, or in monitoring its progress.
Direct bilirubin is the water-soluble form of bilirubin - a breakdown product of the red blood pigment (haemoglobin). Causes of an increase in direct bilirubin in the blood are certain liver diseases as well as disturbances in the outflow of bile (e.g. gallstones).
Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment located in the liver's bile. Its yellow coloring is the cause of jaundice. While a certain level of bilirubin in the blood is normal, elevated bilirubin levels can indicate various types of liver or bile duct issues. Sometimes, an increased bilirubin level can be caused by a higher rate of red blood cell destruction. By measuring bilirubin, it can be determined whether the bile ducts in the liver or gallbladder might be blocked. It can also aid in detecting liver diseases, especially hepatitis, or in monitoring their progression. Fasting and physical exertion can elevate bilirubin levels in the serum, while pregnancies and oral contraceptives can reduce them.
The determination of Alkaline Phosphatase serves as an indicator for diseases of the liver and bile ducts as well as for changes in bone metabolism.
Alkaline Phosphatase is an enzyme involved in many metabolic processes in the body - which is why early detection of an elevated AP value is important. Alkaline Phosphatase can be elevated in liver disease, hepatitis, biliary obstruction or bile duct inflammation, bone disease, Paget's disease, and rickets (Vitamin D deficiency). However, one of the most common causes of elevated AP levels is malignant tumors that have metastasized to the bones (bone metastases). A reduction is found in malnutrition, familial hypophosphataemia, Wilson's disease and Vitamin C deficiency.
Albumin is a protein produced in the liver. It makes up about 60 percent of the total protein in blood serum.
Albumin is a biomarker that acts as a transport protein. It binds and transports hormones, vitamins, fatty acids and amino acids, among other things, and helps to distribute fluids inside and outside the body cells. If the albumin concentration changes, fluids may be retained in the tissues. Albumin levels outside the normal range may indicate a fluid deficiency or protein malnutrition. In certain cases, protein loss via the kidneys or chronic liver damage may be present.
Ferritin shows whether the body's iron stores are full, reduced or even depleted.
Ferritin is an iron-containing blood protein. The ferritin value is the most important measurement for iron diagnostics. A low ferritin value indicates an iron deficiency. This can be caused by an unbalanced diet, especially vegetarian and vegan diets, or by diseases that lead to a reduced absorption of iron. An iron deficiency is often associated with fatigue, pallor, loss of performance and lack of energy. If the ferritin value is too high, this may indicate that the body is storing too much iron. Ferritin levels generally increase with inflammation, infection, and tissue injury. However, there may also be anemia due to a folic acid deficiency or a vitamin B12 deficiency.
Transferrin is an important component of our iron metabolism. It is responsible for the transport of iron in the bloodstream.
Transferrin transports iron in the bloodstream. Our body absorbs iron from food, such as meat, oatmeal or wheat bran. The iron enters the blood via the intestines and is bound to transferrin. The most common reason for an elevated transferrin level is iron deficiency. This can be the result of malnutrition or due to an iron absorption disorder caused by a chronic intestinal disease. Another common cause of iron deficiency is chronic blood loss, such as occurs in women during menstruation.
Transferrin Saturation is an important laboratory value in the diagnosis of iron deficiency. It is a measure of how much iron the transferrin has bound and is saturated
Transferrin Saturation can be calculated from the blood levels of iron and transferrin. The result indicates in percent how much of the available transferrin is loaded with iron. Lower values indicate an iron deficiency, higher values an iron overload. However, the reason for this can only be determined in conjunction with other blood values. In this respect, ferritin - a protein that stores iron - is of particular importance: If the transferrin saturation is only moderately reduced and the ferritin value is very high, there is a functional iron deficiency. This develops, for example, in the case of chronic inflammation. If transferrin saturation is severely reduced, there is a severe iron deficiency with anemia.
HbA1c is measured to determine the average blood glucose level over the past few months.
The HbA1c value provides information about how high the average sugar concentration in the blood was. A normal blood glucose level contributes to a healthy life, because an elevated blood glucose level damages the blood vessels and various organs in the long term. Therefore, it is important to check the HbA1c level to detect any diabetes as early as possible. HbA1c is used to diagnose type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The higher the HbA1c level, the poorer the blood glucose control and the higher the risk of complications. A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet helps keep blood glucose under control.
Fasting Sugar Level, a blood marker, is key in diagnosing conditions like diabetes and prediabetes, as it measures blood glucose levels after eight hours of fasting, with high levels potentially indicating metabolic disorders.
Fasting Sugar Level is a blood marker typically used to measure the level of glucose in the blood after you have not eaten for at least eight hours. This test is crucial in diagnosing conditions like diabetes and prediabetes. High fasting glucose levels may indicate that your body is unable to process and utilize glucose correctly, which can be a sign of diabetes or other metabolic disorders. Therefore, regular monitoring of fasting glucose levels can help manage and prevent these conditions.
White Blood cells play an important role in the defense against pathogens such as bacteria or viruses. In the case of inflammation, White Blood Cells levels are increased.
White Blood Cells are blood cells that, unlike red blood cells, do not contain red blood pigment. They therefore appear white or colorless. There are a number of different classes of White Blood cells, each of which performs its own tasks in immune defense. Each of these cell types takes care of different forms of pathogens and proceeds differently in the immune defense. If the values are too high, this is usually a sign of a viral or bacterial infection. But stress, pregnancy, smoking, physical strain or certain medications such as cortisone can also lead to White Blood Cells outside the normal range.
Neutrophils represent the largest proportion of white blood cells. They serve as a defense against pathogens.
Neutrophil granulocytes are an important part of the immune system. They are mostly dormant in the bloodstream. Their main task is to defend the body against pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. If foreign bodies or pathogens enter the body, substances are released that attract the neutrophils. In many cases, the increased number of neutrophils is a necessary response by the body for healing or to ward off invading microorganisms or foreign bodies. Neutrophil granulocytes clean up destroyed tissue cells. In the process, pus is formed from them and the destroyed tissue cells.
Monocytes are a subtype of white blood cells and are an important part of the immune defense system.
Monocytes are the largest cells and belong to the white blood cells. They are formed in the bone marrow and subsequently transform into phagocytes. They play an important role in the immune defense, as they can absorb invading pathogens. Inside them, monocytes have various substances and enzymes to kill and break down the pathogen. An increased monocyte count occurs temporarily during the healing phase of acute infections. In rare cases, monocytes may also be increased in autoimmune diseases or certain types of cancer.
Eosinophils are white blood cells that play an important role in the body's response to allergic reactions, asthma, as well as infections with parasites.
Eosinophil granulocytes belong to the white blood cells. They are scavenger cells that "swallow" pathogens, especially parasites and worms. Elevated eosinophils also occur during the healing phase of bacterial infectious diseases such as scarlet fever. Other causes include allergies, asthma and, less commonly, certain cancers such as leukemia. If eosinophils are low, this may be due to an extreme stress situation.
Basophils are a small subgroup of white blood cells. They are part of the body's immune system.
Basophil granulocytes are involved in the body's immune defense. In certain allergic reactions such as hay fever or asthma, they can be detected in greater numbers in the blood. Inside them, they carry messenger substances which, when released, can cause or intensify an allergic reaction. If the basophilic granulocytes migrate into the skin and release the messenger substance histamine, they cause severe itching. However, they can also be triggers of inflammatory reactions. Together with mast cells, they play the key role in the defense against parasites.
Lymphocytes are a subgroup of white blood cells and have an important function in the targeted defense against infections.
The main task of lymphocytes is the targeted defense against foreign substances, especially infectious agents such as bacteria and viruses. In adults, elevated lymphocyte levels are found during the healing phase after infections. This is especially true in viral infections, but also in bacterial infections. Lymphocytes can also be elevated in diseases that are not caused by a pathogen, such as intestinal diseases or hormonal disorders. A low lymphocyte count can occur due to stress reactions or cortisone treatment.
"C-reactive protein" (CRP) is the most important laboratory value for detecting and monitoring inflammation in the body.
C-reactive protein is a protein that is produced in the liver in response to inflammation. Elevated levels are usually due to inflammatory processes in the body - most commonly in the case of a bacterial or viral infection. CRP is thought to play a causal role in the onset of plaque buildup in atherosclerosis. However, it does not represent the primary cause of atherosclerosis. Elevated levels of CRP are also found in smokers, diabetics, and the obese. An elevated CRP level does not allow a conclusion to be drawn about a specific disease, but requires further diagnostic measures depending on the physician's assessment.
Creatinine is a breakdown product of the acid creatine, and is used as a laboratory parameter to measure kidney function.
Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine, which supplies the muscles with energy. Up to 2% of creatine is excreted daily as creatinine through the kidneys in the urine. The creatinine level provides information about kidney function. Excessively high creatinine levels can indicate kidney weakness, injuries to the muscles or inflammation of the skin and muscles. The values can also be elevated after sports, seizures and after injections into the muscles (e.g. vaccinations). In addition to kidney function, muscle mass also determines how much creatinine someone excretes. Therefore, body builders and other athletes may also have creatinine levels regularly outside the normal range.
Cystatin C is a protein used as a marker of renal function.
Cystatin C is a protein produced naturally in the body. An increase in cystatin C in the blood is an indication of impaired kidney function. The level of the measured value in the blood provides information about the function of the kidneys, and an elevated value can also indicate certain autoimmune diseases. Common causes of renal insufficiency are hypertension and diabetes. A diet high in salt and phosphate can also promote renal insufficiency. The concentration of cystatin C is independent of gender, muscle mass and protein intake, as well as age from the first year of life and from metabolites/drugs that might affect creatinine determination. Cystatin C particularly helps to improve the diagnosis of renal function in the “creatinine blind area".
eGFR stands for estimated GFR, which is the estimated glomerular filtration rate, a measure of renal function.
Kidney Function can be calculated using eGFR. Kidney function is measured by how well the kidneys cleanse the blood of waste products. The eGFR is determined using a mathematical formula and the creatinin or cystatin C value. In addition to creatinin/cystatin C, factors such as age and gender are included in the eGFR calculation. People with renal insufficiency have a decreased eGFR, this is divided into 5 stages. Common causes of renal insufficiency are hypertension and diabetes. A diet high in salt and phosphate can also promote renal insufficiency.
Urea is the main breakdown product of proteins in the body. Its determination helps doctors in part to assess kidney function
Urea is produced in the liver during the breakdown of amino acids. The kidneys excrete urea in the urine. Since urea is produced when amino acids are metabolized, the most common reason for low urea levels is decreased protein intake. An increase in urea can be caused by a fluid deficit or increased protein consumption. Elevated urea levels can also be measured during overly intense endurance training. Urea levels also indicate how well the kidneys are functioning. Urea itself is non-toxic, but in high concentrations can cause headaches fatigue or vomiting.
Uric acid is formed as the end product of purine metabolism. Purines are, among other things, building blocks of DNA.
Uric acid is formed during the breakdown of DNA. In a healthy person, there is a balance between uric acid build-up and uric acid excretion via the kidneys. Uric acid can be kept within the normal range through a balanced diet. If the amount of uric acid in the blood exceeds a certain limit, uric acid crystals can be deposited in the joints and trigger painful gout attacks. Diet has a great influence on the blood concentration of uric acid. Foods that contain particularly high levels of purines include meat and fish. To prevent these gout attacks, it is important to consume foods that are as low in uric acid as possible. Uric acid levels outside the normal range can also occur in chronic kidney disease, hyperparathyroidism, alcoholism or lipid metabolism disorders.
Ferritin shows whether the body's iron stores are full, reduced or even depleted.
Ferritin is an iron-containing blood protein. The ferritin value is the most important measurement for iron diagnostics. A low ferritin value indicates an iron deficiency. This can be caused by an unbalanced diet, especially vegetarian and vegan diets, or by diseases that lead to a reduced absorption of iron. An iron deficiency is often associated with fatigue, pallor, loss of performance and lack of energy. If the ferritin value is too high, this may indicate that the body is storing too much iron. Ferritin levels generally increase with inflammation, infection, and tissue injury. However, there may also be anemia due to a folic acid deficiency or a vitamin B12 deficiency.
Transferrin is an important component of our iron metabolism. It is responsible for the transport of iron in the bloodstream.
Transferrin transports iron in the bloodstream. Our body absorbs iron from food, such as meat, oatmeal or wheat bran. The iron enters the blood via the intestines and is bound to transferrin. The most common reason for an elevated transferrin level is iron deficiency. This can be the result of malnutrition or due to an iron absorption disorder caused by a chronic intestinal disease. Another common cause of iron deficiency is chronic blood loss, such as occurs in women during menstruation.
Transferrin Saturation is an important laboratory value in the diagnosis of iron deficiency. It is a measure of how much iron the transferrin has bound and is saturated
Transferrin Saturation can be calculated from the blood levels of iron and transferrin. The result indicates in percent how much of the available transferrin is loaded with iron. Lower values indicate an iron deficiency, higher values an iron overload. However, the reason for this can only be determined in conjunction with other blood values. In this respect, ferritin - a protein that stores iron - is of particular importance: If the transferrin saturation is only moderately reduced and the ferritin value is very high, there is a functional iron deficiency. This develops, for example, in the case of chronic inflammation. If transferrin saturation is severely reduced, there is a severe iron deficiency with anemia.
Cholesterol is an important blood fat - it is found in almost all body cells and is needed for the production of hormones and vitamins.
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that the body needs in the right amounts for good health. Poor cholesterol levels are often caused by lifestyle habits such as an unhealthy diet combined with genetic predisposition. Lifestyle changes can bring cholesterol levels into the healthy range. The human body is able to produce cholesterol on its own, only a small amount is taken in with food. Elevated cholesterol levels promote the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as damage to blood vessels. Keeping cholesterol levels in check is important for preventing heart attacks, strokes and other vascular diseases. If you have a family history of cholesterol, you should have your cholesterol levels measured from the age of 20.
LDL-Cholesterol is one of the transporters of cholesterol in the blood. Despite its vital properties, it is considered bad cholesterol because it promotes atherosclerosis.
LDL is known as "bad" cholesterol. It is responsible for transporting cholesterol from the liver to the other organs. Excessive levels of LDL-Cholesterol may indicate an increased risk. High LDL-Cholesterol can lead to excess cholesterol in the arteries, which are the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the body. Over time, the LDL-Cholesterol can enter the walls of the blood vessels and build up, causing the vessels to narrow. This process can restrict blood flow, increase blood pressure and ultimately put a strain on the heart. It is therefore important to keep LDL levels as low as possible - this is possible with plenty of exercise and a balanced diet.
Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is used for precise assessment of the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In comparison to the conventional lipid profile test, ApoB proves to be more accurate, as it consolidates all "unfavorable" or risk-increasing lipoproteins (primarily LDL, VLDL, IDL, and also Lp(a)) into a single value.
Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is a molecule that enwrapps a lipoprotein particle (which carries cholesterol) to give structure, stability, and most important solubility to the particle. In simpler terms, ApoB guides lipids like cholesterol to their destination. Therefore, the issue isn't cholesterol itself, but rather the nature of the transporting particle. And ApoB only gives rides to the kind of lipids that have a bad reputation: low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), intermediate density lipoprotein (ILDL), as well as Lipoprotein a (Lp(a)). The good cholesterol (HDL) isn't found in the company of ApoB. Therefore, the presence of ApoB guarantees the presence of various lipoproteins, including LDL and others, all contributing to atherosclerosis. Direct measurement of LDL, VLDL or ILDL only provides information on how much cholesterol these particles carry. Since particles drive risk, it is important to know the number of those particles. And this is exactly where ApoB helps us and provides us with more accurate information, because with ApoB we can measure all particles with a "bad reputation". Think of blood vessels as bustling streetways full of cars. LDL only tells you the number of total passengers (cholesterol) on the road, while ApoB tells you the number of cars (particles), which is much more important from a risk perspective (traffic jam). For this reason, ApoB provides an important risk assessment for cardiovascular diseases and goes beyond traditional measurements like LDL or Non-HDL Cholesterol. In essence, cardiovascular risk hinges not solely on lipoproteins but also on lifestyle modifications (like quitting smoking, managing blood pressure, addressing insulin resistance, etc.). However, neglecting knowledge of your ApoB levels means not fully taking advantage of the tools at our disposal to estimate your risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
Non-HDL includes all LDL and Apolipoprotein B-carrying lipoproteins and their precursors
Non-HDL-Cholesterol is part of the so-called lipid profile, which, in addition to LDL and HDL-Cholesterol, Apolipoprotein B, and Lipoprotein (a), is used for risk prognosis for the development of cardiovascular diseases. It includes all types of cholesterol in your blood, except for HDL-Cholesterol, which is often referred to as 'good' cholesterol. Non-HDL-Cholesterol includes LDL and other lipoproteins that can increase the risk of heart diseases if their levels are too high.
HDL is a transport system for cholesterol in the blood. It is also considered good cholesterol because, unlike LDL, it does not cause atherosclerosis.
HDL-Cholesterol is often referred to as "good" cholesterol and helps remove other forms of cholesterol from the bloodstream. It absorbs excess cholesterol in the blood and brings it back to the liver, where it is broken down and removed from the body. To some degree, people with naturally higher levels of HDL-Cholesterol have a lower risk of heart attack and stroke - so HDL helps prevent vascular disease. Plant-based fats such as walnuts and avocado contain plant-based unsaturated fats in the form of HDL. A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet helps keep HDL high. HDL-Cholesterol is the natural antagonist of LDL-Cholesterol.
Lipoprotein(a) indicates the genetic risk for cardiovascular disease. It is largely genetically determined. This means that the level in the blood is predetermined from birth and cannot really be influenced.
Lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a) for short, is a so-called lipoprotein and a component of blood lipids. It tells us the genetic risk for cardiovascular disease and varies greatly in different ethnic groups. The majority of the population has a low Lp(a) level of <30 mg/dl. Twenty percent of the population, however, have Lp(a) levels >50mg/dl, indicating a very high genetic risk for cardiovascular disease. For this reason, Lp(a) should be determined at least once in life, especially if there is a family history of early heart attacks. It is important to determine Lp(a) as early as possible, ideally well before the age of 40, if heart disease runs in the family. This gives enough time to dramatically reduce the cardiovascular risk from a prevention point of view. Unfortunately, Lp(a) cannot be influenced in a clinically relevant way by diet or lifestyle changes. A class of drugs called PCSK9 inhibitors, which aim to lower apolipoprotein B (ApoB) levels, appears to be able to reduce Lp(a) levels by about 30 per cent, but there are no data yet to suggest that this can reduce increased cardiovascular events (heart attacks).The currently only effective treatment approach is the aggressive management of all risk-increasing lipoproteins using medications to counteract elevated Lp(a) levels.
Triglycerides serve as an energy reserve for the body and are stored in fatty tissue until they are needed.
Triglycerides are fats that circulate in the blood and are stored in fat cells. A low triglyceride level is important for long-term health. Most fats we eat - especially butter, margarine and oil - contain triglycerides. When you eat more calories than your body needs, the extra calories are converted to triglycerides and stored in fat cells. High triglyceride levels can lead to thickening of the artery walls and increase the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart disease. High triglyceride levels are often indicative of other conditions that can negatively impact health, such as obesity, high blood pressure and blood sugar, and elevated cholesterol levels. For good prevention with regard to cardiovascular disease, it pays to control triglyceride levels and keep them within the norm - this is possible with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet.
Holo-TC is an active vitamin B12 and is considered a reliable laboratory parameter of vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin, the body cannot produce it itself and is therefore dependent on a sufficient intake. Among other things, vitamin B12 is important for the formation of red blood cells. Foods containing vitamin B12 are mainly animal products such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Holotranscobalamin (holo-TC), also known as active vitamin B12, is the earliest laboratory parameter of vitamin B12 deficiency. A lowered holo-TC level is an indication that the body does not have enough usable vitamin B12. A level that is too low can contribute to fatigue and exhaustion. Especially in the case of a strict vegan diet, the holo-TC should be checked regularly.
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) is a vitamin that is responsible for cell division.
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) is a water-soluble vitamin that the human body cannot produce itself. It is important for the production of genetic material and for the formation of Red- and White Blood Cells. It also plays a role in iron and Vitamin B12 metabolism. In women who take the contraceptive pill or are pregnant, the requirement is increased. Recent findings suggest that folic acid contributes to protection against cardiovascular disease. Typical symptoms of Folic Acid deficiency include pallor, changes in the tongue, fatigue, tiredness and difficulty concentrating. Unborn children who receive too little Folic Acid through their mothers are at risk of developmental disorders of the nervous system. Therefore, it is recommended to take folic acid even before pregnancy if you wish to have a child.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble Vitamin and plays a role in the body's mineral metabolism as well as in a variety of other tasks.
Vitamin D supports bone metabolism, strengthens the immune system, strengthens the muscles, regulates the absorption of calcium in the intestine and promotes the incorporation of calcium and phosphate into the bones. It makes the bones hard and strong. It is also called sun vitamin, because it needs UV rays for transformation in human body. Food intake accounts for only a small proportion of the vitamin D supply, about 10 to 20 percent. Especially in winter, many people have a vitamin D deficiency. An inadequate supply of vitamin D can lead to an increased risk of diseases such as rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
Sodium is a vital element and occurs naturally in table salt. Together with chloride and potassium, it is one of the body's most important electrolytes.
The body receives sodium through food and loses it through sweat and urine. Healthy kidneys ensure a constant sodium level in the body by controlling excretion with the urine. In this way, a healthy body constantly controls blood volume and sodium concentration, and thus blood pressure. Sensors in the heart, blood vessels and kidneys detect when there is too much or too little sodium and then control excretion via the kidneys. In this way, blood volume is normalized. Low sodium levels can occur with intake of too much fluid, renal insufficiency, heart failure, cirrhosis, and the use of diuretics. Excessive sodium levels may indicate water loss in the body without electrolyte loss (e.g., heavy sweating), inadequate fluid intake, or disease.
Potassium is a vital element. Together with sodium and chloride, it is one of the body's most important electrolytes.
Potassium is found in almost all foods. It is of central importance for the body's water balance and is involved in the acid-base balance. Potassium levels that are too high can indicate kidney weakness, a hormone disorder, therapy with antihypertensive or dehydrating drugs, or hyperacidity of the blood. Low potassium levels are mainly caused by vomiting, diarrhea, adrenal gland disorders, or use of diuretics. Too low a potassium level or too high a potassium level can be life-threatening.
Calcium is a vital mineral and an important parameter in disorders of bone and calcium metabolism.
Calcium is an important parameter in laboratory diagnostics of bone and calcium metabolism. The vital mineral is involved in a large number of physiological processes, such as bone metabolism and blood clotting. The human body stores one to two kilograms of calcium, depending on size and gender. Calcium intake is particularly high during the growth phase and during pregnancy. In old age, however, the calcium requirement decreases again. The calcium level in the blood is regulated by hormones, vitamin D and phosphate metabolism, among other things. If calcium is needed in the blood, the mineral can be released from the bone or from the cells. A calcium level that is too low occurs, among other things, in the case of protein or vitamin deficiency, hormone disorders or due to certain medications. If a lack of absorption through food is the reason for a reduced calcium concentration, one should eat a calcium-rich diet.
Phosphate is the body's most important mineral next to calcium and is important for building bones and teeth.
The metabolism of Phosphate is closely linked to that of calcium. Therefore, Calcium and Phosphate are always assessed together in laboratory diagnostics. In addition to its role as a mineral, Phosphate also has important biological functions in cellular energy metabolism, in the formation of cell membranes, and as a buffer substance in the blood. Bones contain about 85 percent of the Phosphate in the body. In the blood, Phosphate levels move within a very narrow range, with only slight fluctuations tolerated. Elevated Phosphate levels in the blood may indicate chronic kidney weakness, deficiency of parathyroid hormone (e.g., after thyroid surgery) or, in rare cases, a bone tumor. Low values may indicate malnutrition, hormonal disorders or Vitamin D deficiency.
Together with calcium, potassium and sodium, magnesium is one of the minerals essential for life.
Magnesium plays a central role in energy metabolism, it participates in muscle contraction. Magnesium is absorbed through food and is essential for good performance and endurance. Without the mineral, muscles would not be able to contract. That is why a sufficient supply of magnesium is especially important for competitive athletes. Magnesium has a stabilizing effect on the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure and prevents cardiac arrhythmias. Too low magnesium levels can indicate hyperthyroidism or hyperacidity of the blood. Taking diuretic medications can also lower levels. Magnesium levels that are too high may indicate a breakdown of red blood cells or kidney weakness. Values can also be elevated if excessive use is made of acid-inhibiting stomach medications, which contain a lot of magnesium.
ASAT is found primarily in the liver, but also in cardiac and skeletal muscle.
ASAT is an enzyme found in liver cells, heart cells and skeletal muscle cells. Slightly elevated levels of ASAT say little. More elevated values indicate liver damage, which can have many different causes, for example liver inflammation (hepatitis), poisoning, impaired blood supply to the liver or, in the worst case, liver tumors. Early detection of elevated liver values and clarification of the cause are important. However, liver enzyme elevations can also occur as a side effect of taking medication.
ALAT is found in liver cells and in the blood and provides information about liver function.
ALAT is an enzyme produced in the liver. It is considered the most important liver value, which can provide information about liver function. Normally, ALAT is not found in the blood, but almost exclusively in liver cells. Elevated ALAT levels in the blood therefore indicate that liver cells have been damaged or destroyed or are no longer functioning properly. Early detection of elevated liver values is therefore all the more important. However, liver enzyme elevations can also occur as a side effect of taking medication.
GGT is an enzyme that occurs mainly in the liver and transfers so-called amino groups.
Gamma-glutamyltransferase is an enzyme that occurs throughout the body, but mainly in the liver. The activity of GGT is measured in the blood. GGT helps transfer amino acids across the cell membrane and plays an important role in the processing of toxins by the liver. GGT can leak into the bloodstream when the liver or bile ducts are damaged. A high GGT level in the blood can therefore indicate liver damage or damage to the bile ducts. These can result from heavy alcohol consumption or alcoholic cirrhosis, among other things. Individuals who regularly consume large amounts of alcohol are very likely to have elevated GGT values. An increase in GGT activity is generally observed in all forms of liver damage.
Bilirubin is formed when red blood cells are broken down. It has a yellow-brownish color and is released into the intestine with the bile
Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment found in the bile of the liver. Its yellowing is the cause of jaundice. While some level of bilirubin in the blood is normal, higher than usual bilirubin levels can indicate various types of liver or bile duct problems. Sometimes an elevated bilirubin level can be caused by an increased rate of red blood cell destruction. Measuring bilirubin can help determine if the bile ducts in the liver or gallbladder may be blocked. It can also help in the detection of liver disease, especially hepatitis, or in monitoring its progress.
Direct bilirubin is the water-soluble form of bilirubin - a breakdown product of the red blood pigment (haemoglobin). Causes of an increase in direct bilirubin in the blood are certain liver diseases as well as disturbances in the outflow of bile (e.g. gallstones).
Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment located in the liver's bile. Its yellow coloring is the cause of jaundice. While a certain level of bilirubin in the blood is normal, elevated bilirubin levels can indicate various types of liver or bile duct issues. Sometimes, an increased bilirubin level can be caused by a higher rate of red blood cell destruction. By measuring bilirubin, it can be determined whether the bile ducts in the liver or gallbladder might be blocked. It can also aid in detecting liver diseases, especially hepatitis, or in monitoring their progression. Fasting and physical exertion can elevate bilirubin levels in the serum, while pregnancies and oral contraceptives can reduce them.
The determination of Alkaline Phosphatase serves as an indicator for diseases of the liver and bile ducts as well as for changes in bone metabolism.
Alkaline Phosphatase is an enzyme involved in many metabolic processes in the body - which is why early detection of an elevated AP value is important. Alkaline Phosphatase can be elevated in liver disease, hepatitis, biliary obstruction or bile duct inflammation, bone disease, Paget's disease, and rickets (Vitamin D deficiency). However, one of the most common causes of elevated AP levels is malignant tumors that have metastasized to the bones (bone metastases). A reduction is found in malnutrition, familial hypophosphataemia, Wilson's disease and Vitamin C deficiency.
Albumin is a protein produced in the liver. It makes up about 60 percent of the total protein in blood serum.
Albumin is a biomarker that acts as a transport protein. It binds and transports hormones, vitamins, fatty acids and amino acids, among other things, and helps to distribute fluids inside and outside the body cells. If the albumin concentration changes, fluids may be retained in the tissues. Albumin levels outside the normal range may indicate a fluid deficiency or protein malnutrition. In certain cases, protein loss via the kidneys or chronic liver damage may be present.
Creatinine is a breakdown product of the acid creatine, and is used as a laboratory parameter to measure kidney function.
Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine, which supplies the muscles with energy. Up to 2% of creatine is excreted daily as creatinine through the kidneys in the urine. The creatinine level provides information about kidney function. Excessively high creatinine levels can indicate kidney weakness, injuries to the muscles or inflammation of the skin and muscles. The values can also be elevated after sports, seizures and after injections into the muscles (e.g. vaccinations). In addition to kidney function, muscle mass also determines how much creatinine someone excretes. Therefore, body builders and other athletes may also have creatinine levels regularly outside the normal range.
Cystatin C is a protein used as a marker of renal function.
Cystatin C is a protein produced naturally in the body. An increase in cystatin C in the blood is an indication of impaired kidney function. The level of the measured value in the blood provides information about the function of the kidneys, and an elevated value can also indicate certain autoimmune diseases. Common causes of renal insufficiency are hypertension and diabetes. A diet high in salt and phosphate can also promote renal insufficiency. The concentration of cystatin C is independent of gender, muscle mass and protein intake, as well as age from the first year of life and from metabolites/drugs that might affect creatinine determination. Cystatin C particularly helps to improve the diagnosis of renal function in the “creatinine blind area".
eGFR stands for estimated GFR, which is the estimated glomerular filtration rate, a measure of renal function.
Kidney Function can be calculated using eGFR. Kidney function is measured by how well the kidneys cleanse the blood of waste products. The eGFR is determined using a mathematical formula and the creatinin or cystatin C value. In addition to creatinin/cystatin C, factors such as age and gender are included in the eGFR calculation. People with renal insufficiency have a decreased eGFR, this is divided into 5 stages. Common causes of renal insufficiency are hypertension and diabetes. A diet high in salt and phosphate can also promote renal insufficiency.
The TSH value reflects the functioning of the thyroid gland.
TSH stands for "Thyroid Stimulating Hormone" and is considered to reflect thyroid function. Normal thyroid levels are important for good well-being. A malfunction of the thyroid gland often remains undetected, despite the many symptoms. A low TSH level can often be a sign of hyperthyroidism or autonomous toxic adenoma, a rare tumor of the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism manifests with weight loss, pulse acceleration, nervousness, sleep disturbances, and diarrhea. People with high TSH levels may have hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism may show up with dry skin, hair loss, weight gain, hoarse voice, or constipation.
FT4 is a thyroid hormone. Deviations indicate hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
A malfunction of the thyroid gland often remains undetected, despite the many symptoms. For good well-being, it is important to detect and treat a malfunction as early as possible. The FT4 value refers to the concentration of free thyroxine and is determined together with TSH, the thyroid-stimulating hormone. Too high FT4 levels can indicate hyperthyroidism and, in rare cases, thyroid cancer or Graves' disease. Values that are too low indicate hypothyroidism.
The TSH value reflects the functioning of the thyroid gland.
TSH stands for "Thyroid Stimulating Hormone" and is considered to reflect thyroid function. Normal thyroid levels are important for good well-being. A malfunction of the thyroid gland often remains undetected, despite the many symptoms. A low TSH level can often be a sign of hyperthyroidism or autonomous toxic adenoma, a rare tumor of the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism manifests with weight loss, pulse acceleration, nervousness, sleep disturbances, and diarrhea. People with high TSH levels may have hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism may show up with dry skin, hair loss, weight gain, hoarse voice, or constipation.
FT4 is a thyroid hormone. Deviations indicate hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
A malfunction of the thyroid gland often remains undetected, despite the many symptoms. For good well-being, it is important to detect and treat a malfunction as early as possible. The FT4 value refers to the concentration of free thyroxine and is determined together with TSH, the thyroid-stimulating hormone. Too high FT4 levels can indicate hyperthyroidism and, in rare cases, thyroid cancer or Graves' disease. Values that are too low indicate hypothyroidism.
We analyse all important blood markers in order to provide you with precise information and actionable insights about your health status.
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Iron status
Red blood count
Thyroid gland
Vitamins & Minerals
Iron status
Heart & Vessels
Blood sugar
Inflammation markers
Nutritional Metabolism
* Cystatin C is only measured if creatinine is high
** Alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin direct are only measured if bilirubin total is high
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