Patient Information

In the following, we inform you how our (Care Preventive AG, Neuwiesenstrasse 15, 8400 Winterthur; hereinafter "we", "us", "CARE") analyses, treatments, lifestyle services work and what their purposes are, as well as about contraindications, risks and potential side effects. In addition, you will learn how you should act so your analysis or treatment will be as successful as possible.

The following information concerns our analyses, treatments, lifestyle services in a general way. For certain treatments, you will receive additional patient information specific to the treatment.

1 Blood Analysis

1.1 How does the analysis work and what is its purpose?

For blood analyses, one of our medical assistants at one of our locations will take some blood from you, in most cases from the vein in the elbow area. First, the puncture site is disinfected and then blood is drawn using a sterile needle. The sample is placed in special tubes and then sent to the laboratory. The purpose of the blood analysis is to evaluate your general state of health based on the tested values and to determine the supply of your body with e.g. vital substances and vitamins.

1.2 Behavioral instructions

How do I prepare for the analysis?

Please come to the appointment sober. This means that you should not eat anything or drink anything except water within 8 hours before the appointment. This way we can ensure the comparability of your test results.

What should I pay special attention to after the analysis?

After the blood sample has been taken, you can usually return to your normal activities. However, you may experience a small temporary bruise at the puncture site. You can apply a pressure bandage to the site to stop the bleeding and reduce the bruise.

1.3 Contraindications

In some cases, blood collection may be contraindicated. This means that in certain circumstances or with certain diseases, blood analysis is temporarily or permanently not recommended. Examples of contraindications may include:

  • A known allergy to certain test materials or disinfectants.

  • A serious bleeding disorder that increases the risk of complications.

  • An acute infection in the area of the planned blood collection.

1.4 Risks and side effects

Blood collection is usually a safe procedure. However, in rare cases, the following risks or side effects may occur:

  • Bruising at the injection site: This may cause slight pain or discoloration of the skin. Usually, the bruise will disappear on its own.

  • Dizziness or fainting: Some people may feel temporarily dizzy or light-headed before, during and after blood collection. It is strongly recommended to report to us if such incidents are known in the past and to sit quietly for a few minutes after the collection and drink enough fluids.

  • Infection: although less common, there is a small risk of infection with any type of injection or puncture. However, medical professionals use sterile techniques to minimize this risk.

If you have any unusual or persistent symptoms after blood collection, you should contact us directly.

2. Health Check

2.1 What does a Health Check include and what is its purpose?

During the Health Check, various medical analyses are performed by our medical staff. The aim is to evaluate the current health status based on the tests performed.

A Health Check includes the following services:

  • Body analysis (measurement of body composition);

  • ECG (electrocardiogram);

  • Blood pressure measurement;

  • Lung function.

2.2 Body analysis (measurement of body composition)

2.2.1 What does an analysis involve and what is its purpose?

Body composition analysis is a procedure used to obtain information about the composition of the body. It involves measuring various parameters such as fat mass, muscle mass, bone mass and water percentage in the body.

Body composition analysis is performed to serve various purposes:

  • Health and fitness level: The body composition analysis can help track progress in weight loss, muscle building or other fitness goals.

  • Body condition: The analysis provides information about the percentage of fat in the body, which allows conclusions to be drawn about potential health risks, among other things.

  • Individualized nutrition and training programs: Based on the results, tailored plans can be created to reduce weight, increase muscle mass or improve body composition.

  • Support in the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases: In some medical situations, body analysis can help monitor the success of a treatment or assess the progression of certain diseases.

2.2.2 Behavioral instructions

How do I prepare for the analysis?

Preparation for a body analysis is usually simple:

  • Wear loose and light clothing to ensure accurate measurement results.

  • Remove metal objects such as jewelry, as they may affect the measurement results.

  • Avoid physical exertion, alcohol consumption and large meals immediately before analysis, as these factors may affect the measurements.

What should I pay special attention to after the analysis?

After the analysis, there are no special precautions you need to take. You can continue your usual activities.

2.2.3 Contraindications

Body analysis by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is usually safe and harmless. However, there are some contraindications for which the analysis is not recommended. These include:

  • Pregnancy: BIA measurements may be inaccurate during pregnancy and are therefore not recommended.

  • Implantable Medical Devices: Individuals with pacemakers, implantable defibrillators, or other medical devices should avoid analysis as it may affect the devices.

2.2.4 Risks and side effects

Body composition analysis using BIA is usually safe and has few risks and side effects. The possible risks include:

  • Electrolyte imbalances: In rare cases, BIA devices may display incorrect, high or low body water percentage values, which can lead to inaccurate measurement results. However, this can usually be avoided by proper operation of the device and interpretation of results by trained professionals.

  • Unpleasant or slight tingling during measurement: During the analysis, a slight tingling or discomfort may occur as weak electrical impulses are passed through the body. However, this is usually harmless and temporary.

  • It is important to note that body analysis using BIA does not provide absolute accuracy, but provides a general overview of your body composition. It is advisable to consider the results in the context of other diagnostic information and, if necessary, perform further medical examinations.

2.3 ECG (Electrocardiogram)

2.3.1 What does an ECG involve and what is its purpose?

An ECG is a diagnostic procedure in which the electrical activities of the heart are measured and recorded. Electrodes are attached to certain parts of the body to obtain information about the heart rhythm and possible deviations. The electrodes detect the electrical signals of the beating heart and transmit them to an ECG machine. There, the signals are recorded as ECG waves.

The ECG is performed to diagnose heart diseases such as coronary artery disease, heart attacks, arrhythmias and other cardiovascular diseases.

2.3.2 Behavioral instructions

How do I prepare for the analysis?

Preparation for an ECG is simple:

  • Inform your doctor of any medications you are taking, as certain medications can affect ECG results.

  • Remove all metal objects such as jewelry, as they can interfere with the ECG signal.

  • Wear loose clothing to facilitate access to the body for electrode placement.

What should I pay special attention to after the analysis?

After the analysis, you can usually resume your normal activities immediately. You do not need to take any special precautions.

2.3.3 Contraindications

There are usually no specific contraindications for an ECG. It is a safe procedure that can be performed by most individuals.

2.3.4 Risks and side effects

Performing an ECG is usually safe and has no significant risks or side effects. The procedure is non-invasive and painless. Only electrical signals are measured and no electrical impulses are sent to the body. However, there is a small risk of skin irritation or allergies associated with the electrodes used. However, these side effects are rare and usually mild.

2.4 Blood pressure measurement

2.4.1 What does a blood pressure measurement involve and what is its purpose?

Blood pressure measurement is a procedure used to measure the pressure of blood in the arteries. It is performed to obtain information about the condition of the cardiovascular system. In the common method, a cuff is placed around the upper arm. This is inflated to temporarily stop blood flow and then gradually deflated while an electronic sensor monitors blood flow in the artery. Regular blood pressure measurement is used to diagnose and determine the severity of high blood pressure (hypertension), a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. It also allows monitoring of treatment and early detection of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke and kidney problems.

2.4.2 Behavioral instructions

How do I prepare for the analysis?

Avoid alcohol, coffee, or physical activity prior to measurement as they may temporarily affect blood pressure. Wear loose clothing to expose the upper arm as the cuff will be placed around this area.

What should I pay special attention to after the analysis?

No special measures necessary.

2.4.3 Contraindications

There are no specific contraindications to blood pressure measurement. The procedure is safe for most people and can be performed regardless of age or gender.

2.4.4 Risks and side effects

Blood pressure measurement is usually safe and has no serious risks or side effects. In some cases, you may experience a temporary feeling of tightness or discomfort in the upper arm where the cuff was placed. This discomfort usually disappears quickly.

2.5 Lung function test

2.5.1 What does a lung function test involve and what is its purpose?

A lung function test is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the function of the lungs. Various measurements are taken to obtain information about lung capacity. To determine this, the patient exhales into a special device at varying force and speed. The device measures parameters such as vital capacity (maximum volume of air that can be exhaled) and respiratory flow rate. This helps diagnose respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis or pneumonia.

2.5.2 Behavioral instructions

How do I prepare for the analysis?

Please avoid strenuous physical activity immediately before the test as this may affect the results. Be careful not to eat large meals just before the test to avoid respiratory impairment. Please refrain from smoking immediately before the test as it affects lung function.

What should I pay special attention to after the analysis?

No special measures necessary.

2.5.3 Contraindications

A lung function test is usually safe and non-invasive. However, there are certain situations in which it may not be performed. These include acute heart attacks, unstable angina, severe hypertension or recent eye surgery.

2.5.4 Risks and side effects

A lung function test is a safe procedure and usually has no serious risks or side effects. In rare cases, you may experience temporary dizziness or shortness of breath during the measurement. These symptoms usually subside quickly.

3 CARE Score

3.1 What is the CARE Score and how is it calculated?

The CARE Score is an indicator of your current state of health based on the medical tests performed. The CARE Score was created by our doctors and scientists, taking into account the latest scientific findings. They have studied the effects of each biomarker on different aspects of health. By keeping your levels within the recommended range, you can support a healthy lifestyle and proactively prevent disease.

To calculate your CARE Score, we assign a certain weighting to each measured value. The graphic shows how we do this.

3.2 How is your CARE Score to be interpreted?

Your CARE Score is an indicator we have developed that aims to provide a general statement about your health. It is important to note that the CARE Score is not a final assessment of your health, but only a single value regarding your health.

3.3 Measures to improve the CARE Score

Based on your CARE Score, we suggest measures to improve your CARE Score. These suggestions are general recommendations based on current scientific findings and do not represent individually prescribed measures.

4 Intramuscular injection, vitamin D, B12

4.1 Why a vitamin D or B12 injection?

As a rule, the body cannot produce vitamins itself. But vitamins are essential for many important biochemical processes in the body. These include, for example, detoxification reactions, the synthesis of messenger substances or tasks in the context of cell regeneration in the body. Vitamin B12 can strengthen your energy metabolism, your nerves and blood formation. Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, helps support the immune system, maintain bones and muscle function, and is essential for us humans. Thanks to our injections with vitamin B12 and vitamin D, which are injected directly into the muscle, the important and high-quality vitamins are given directly to the place where they are needed. The vitamin stores can thus be filled more quickly than, for example, with an oral intake.

4.2 How is vitamin D and B12 administered?

We administer both vitamins as intramuscular injections. In this case, the vitamin is applied directly into the muscle by a specialist. Skin irritation and swelling may occur at the injection site after the injection.

4.3. What are the side effects? What should be considered?

Vitamin D and vitamin B12 are preparations that are frequently administered and are usually very well tolerated.

  • Vitamin D: In rare cases, skin blemishes or allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock may occur, as well as infections, which very rarely can take a severe course.

  • Vitamin B12: In rare cases, infections or allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock may occur, as well as infections, which very rarely can take a severe course.

  • Please inform the medical staff if you are taking a blood thinner, as it may not be possible to administer an intramuscular injection.

5 Iron infusion (Ferinject)

5.1 Why an iron infusion?

Iron substitution for fatigue and weakness: Iron infusions help to replenish iron stores quickly and efficiently. Thanks to the direct infusion into the blood, the detour via the gastrointestinal tract can be bypassed and the iron is absorbed specifically where it is needed. By means of the iron infusion, a normal value can be achieved much faster in the case of iron deficiency than by means of tablets, which are also often not well tolerated. As a rule, a clear improvement in symptoms is felt soon after the first iron infusion.

5.2 How does intravenous iron work?

Iron is used in particular for the formation and function of blood cells and muscle cells. The iron is deposited in the "iron store". One measure of the content of the iron store is the so-called "ferritin value". Based on this value, your doctor can estimate your current iron requirement and calculate the required iron dose.

5.3 How is the iron infusion administered?

Ferinject must be administered intravenously, i.e. via the vein. For this purpose, you will be given a so-called venous access, through which the drug will then be administered as an infusion. During the administration you will be supervised by a specialist. Please avoid excessive movements of the arm when the needle is in place and contact the specialist immediately if you notice any pain, burning or swelling.

5.4 What are the side effects? What should be considered?

Ferinject and Venofer are preparations that are frequently administered and are usually very well tolerated.

  • Occasionally, a metallic taste, palpitations, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, phlebitis at the injection site, or infections may occur, which very rarely can be severe.

  • In rare cases, allergic reactions up to and including anaphylactic shock may occur. Since this usually occurs during or immediately after an infusion, you will be asked to stay in the office for 30 minutes after the infusion. In very rare cases, a reaction may occur hours after the infusion.

  • Rarely, the infusion may not flow nicely into the vein (paravenous), but may also leak into the skin/tissue at the same time. Since leakage of infusion fluid from the vein into the tissue can lead to a long-lasting brown discoloration of the skin or, very rarely, local tissue necrosis, the position of the needle is carefully controlled before starting the infusion.

5.5 Important

Please tell the doctor if you:

  • Have known allergies, including drug allergies.

  • Suffer from severe asthma, skin rash or other allergies.

  • Suffer from immune or inflammatory diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis or lupus) or other diseases.

6 Oral supplementation of vitamin D

6.1 What does oral supplementation of vitamin D involve and for what purpose is it done?

Oral supplementation of vitamin D involves taking vitamin D supplements in the form of tablets, capsules or drops. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is very important for bone health and many other bodily functions. It is mainly produced by sunlight synthesis in the skin, but can also be ingested through food or supplements. Vitamin D plays an essential role in improving bone health, absorbing calcium and phosphate, and regulating calcium levels in the body, which helps prevent osteoporosis. It also supports the immune system by helping to regulate it and boosting defenses. In addition, vitamin D supplementation can help prevent deficiency symptoms, especially in people with limited sunlight exposure or certain at-risk groups.

6.2 Behavioral instructions

How do I prepare to take it?

Tell your doctor about all medications you are taking, as vitamin D can interact with certain drugs.

What should I pay special attention to after the analysis?

Watch for possible side effects and let us know if you notice any unusual symptoms.

6.3 Contraindications

Oral supplementation of vitamin D is usually safe, but may be contraindicated in some cases. Individuals with hypersensitivity to vitamin D or with certain conditions such as hypercalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, or sarcoidosis should discuss the use of vitamin D supplements with our physicians.

6.4 Risks and side effects

Oral supplementation of vitamin D usually has only minor risks and side effects. When used as directed and in compliance with the recommended dosage, side effects are rare. In some cases, however, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, constipation or increased thirst may occur.

7 Health Coaching

Health Coaching includes services which are proposed and accompanied by our Health Coaches. These are exclusively non-medical services, which do not represent medically prescribed therapies and do not take place under the supervision of doctors.

7.1 What does Health Coaching involve and what is its purpose?

Health Coaching includes the lifestyle services of CARE in, but not limited to, the areas of exercise, nutrition, mindfulness and sleep. This includes, in particular, also the services listed below (Section 11.2 IHHT, Section 11.3 Cryotherapy). The aim of Health Coaching is to improve your general well-being and, if possible, to optimize your health.

7.2 What do I need to consider with regard to Health Coaching?

The blood analyses and health checks we perform do not allow us to judge whether you are suitable for any of the lifestyle services. You may have allergies, physical or psychological conditions that could be a contraindication for the proposed lifestyle services. Therefore, please consult with your primary care physician or the appropriate specialist outside of CARE to assess whether the suggested Lifestyle services are appropriate for you. It is your sole responsibility to undergo additional health assessments, especially if you have any doubts about your suitability or are aware of any health concerns or problems.

If you then choose a Lifestyle service from us, it is important to follow the Health Coach's instructions and directions carefully.

7.3 IHHT (Intermittent Hypoxic-Hyperoxic Training)

7.3.1 What is IHHT (Intermittent Hypoxic Hyperoxic Training)?

IHHT is a training method in which you put a mask on your mouth and nose and the oxygen level is reduced and increased in short intervals. In doing so, the method simulates extreme altitudes and creates an effect called "hypoxic stimulus".

7.3.2 What is the purpose of IHHT?

  • Improving physical performance: Training under conditions of reduced oxygen content is designed to stimulate the body to adapt to these conditions and to optimize oxygen use and utilization. This can improve physical endurance and performance.

  • Promotion of rehabilitation: IHHT can be used in rehabilitation after injury or surgery to support the healing process and accelerate recovery.

  • Optimizing health: It is believed that IHHT can have positive effects on metabolism, energy metabolism and blood flow. This can help to improve overall health.

7.3.3 Behavioral instructions

How do I prepare for the training?

  • Inform your doctor about your intention to do IHHT training. Your doctor can assess whether the workout is appropriate for you and give you specific instructions.

  • Discuss with your doctor any existing health concerns or conditions, especially those related to the heart, lungs or blood pressure.

  • Follow the instructions of your exercise provider or therapist regarding clothing and equipment needed for exercise.

What should I pay special attention to after the training?

  • Get enough rest and give your body time to adjust. Training can be strenuous, and adequate recovery is important.

  • Watch for any changes or symptoms after exercising and let your doctor know. Although exercise is usually safe, certain individuals may experience side effects.

  • Continue exercising as recommended by your doctor or trainer for long-term benefits.

7.3.4 Contraindications

IHHT training is not suitable for all people. There are certain contraindications where the training should not be performed. These include:

  • Severe cardiovascular disease, such as unstable angina, heart attack or uncontrolled hypertension.

  • Severe lung disease or respiratory problems.

  • Pregnancy.

  • Acute infections or fever.

7.3.5 Risks and side effects

IHHT training is usually safe and has only minor risks and side effects. However, in some cases you may experience mild discomfort such as headaches, dizziness or fatigue. These symptoms are usually temporary and subside after the training.

7.4 Cryotherapy

7.4.1 What does cryotherapy involve and what is its purpose?

Cryotherapy in a cold therapy bed involves the application of low temperatures to the body to achieve therapeutic effects. The body is enveloped by a membrane without getting wet. It is a non-invasive type of cold therapy at a temperature of 4 to 6 degrees. Body temperature is lowered during the five-minute therapy. Cold therapy provides relief from inflammation by constricting blood vessels, which can reduce inflammation and pain. It also promotes muscle recovery after injury or intense exercise and increases overall well-being by releasing endorphins.

7.4.2 Behavioral instructions

How do I prepare for therapy?

  • Inform your therapist of your medical history, especially cardiovascular disease, skin conditions or sensitivity to cold.

  • Remove jewelry, metal or other objects that could cause injury.

  • Wear appropriate clothing that allows access to the areas of the body being treated.

What should I pay special attention to after the therapy?

  • Cover your body well to avoid hypothermia, as sensitivity to cold may be temporarily increased.

  • Watch for signs of redness, swelling or skin irritation and inform your therapist.

  • Take time to warm up sufficiently after therapy, for example by gentle exercise or warm clothing.

7.4.3 Contraindications

Cryotherapy may not be suitable for everyone. Contraindications may be:

  • Cardiovascular disease such as hypertension or coronary artery disease.

  • Sensitivity to cold or cold urticaria (a skin reaction to cold).

  • Pregnancy.

  • Open wounds or skin lesions.

  • Neurological disease or seizures.

7.4.4 Risks and side effects

Cryotherapy is usually safe, but it can carry some risks and side effects, including:

  • Skin irritation, redness or cold burns.

  • Dizziness or nausea due to sudden exposure to cold.

  • Enhancement of cold sensitivity symptoms in individuals with cold sensitivity.

  • Rarely, allergic reactions to the materials used may occur.

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