
Lung Function Test

Gain insights into your lung capacity and respiratory performance. Identify potential respiratory problems at an early stage to improve your health in a targeted manner.


Price: CHF 100.—


Typ: Spirometry


Timing: anytime


In-app results


Only in Zurich


Price: CHF 100.—


Typ: Spirometry


Timing: anytime


In-app results


Only in Zurich

lung function test

The benefits of the Lung Function Test


Measure your lung capacity for better performance

Understand how well your lungs are functioning to optimally adjust your training plans and improve both your endurance and overall performance.


Early detection of respiratory diseases

The test can enable the early detection of respiratory diseases such as asthma or COPD. Recognizing health risks early helps you to take targeted measures.


Reduce the risk of long-term breathing problems

By recognizing respiratory diseases at an early stage, you can counteract them in good time by taking the right measures.

What values are tested?

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Vital capacity (VC) / Forced vital capacity

The vital capacity (VC) corresponds to the maximum “movable” amount of air in the lungs and is the difference in volume between maximum inhalation and exhalation. The forced (expiratory) vital capacity (FVC) is the lung volume that can be exhaled at maximum speed (forced) after maximum inhalation.

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One-second capacity (FEV1)

The FEV1 is the amount of air that can be exhaled within one second with forced or maximally accelerated expiration. Another value calculated using this is the relative one-second capacity, also known as FEV1/FVC, which describes the proportion of the total maximum expired air that can be exhaled in one second.

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Peak expiratory flow (PEF)

The peak expiratory flow indicates the maximum speed of the air at which you can exhale. The measurement is taken directly after maximum inspiration or maximum inhalation. Like the FEV1 value, the PEF value is mainly influenced by the resistance in the airways.

What to expect from the Lung Function Test

image of tools used for a lung function test

Preparation for the test

Before the test begins, you will be given a mouthpiece that is connected to a spirometer. This will measure your breathing performance. Our staff will give you precise instructions and make sure that you are relaxed.

image of conducting a lung function test

Conducting the Lung Function Test

You breathe in and out deeply while blowing forcefully into the spirometer. This process is repeated several times to ensure an accurate measurement of lung capacity and respiratory function. The test is simple and only takes a few minutes.

image of results of the lung function test on phone

Evaluation and results in the CARE app

After the test, the data is analyzed to determine your lung capacity and any abnormalities. You will then see a report in your app containing all the measured values and a detailed explanation of your results.

Check how well your lungs function

The Lung Function Test can only be performed at our partner location LAB TO GO, in Zurich. You can book your test directly in the App. If you are a new customer, send us an email or give us a call.

Send us an e-mail

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[email protected]

We usually reply within 24 hours.

Call us

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+41 44 500 83 90

Monday - Friday (9:00 - 17:00)


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