Have you recently received your blood test results and noticed that your iron levels are too low or high? And what is ferritin? Iron and ferritin are crucial indicators of your health, revealed through the lens of blood tests. While iron is vital to your blood's ability to transport oxygen, ferritin serves as a reservoir of iron. In this article, CARE invites you to a journey through the human bloodstream to understand these two biomarkers and their significance for your health.
Published in General Health
7 min read · Feb 10, 2024
Iron is a mineral that your body needs to form hemoglobin. Hemoglobin, the iron-rich protein in your red blood cells, is responsible for transporting oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. But Hemoglobin, with its crucial component iron, encompasses many more vital functions for the body, like strengthening the immune system and producing new erythrocytes (red blood cells). [1]
Consequently, adequate iron levels ensure your body’s optimal hemoglobin function, facilitating oxygen transport to tissues, including those of the immune system, thus enhancing your body’s ability to fight infections and potential health problems.
Without sufficient iron, your body can't produce enough healthy red blood cells, leading to a condition known as iron deficiency anemia. [2]
Iron is primarily stored in your body in hemoglobin. About one-third of iron is also stored as ferritin and hemosiderin in the bone marrow, spleen, and liver. [2]
Did you know that the average man has around 1000 mg of stored iron, which lasts for about three years, while a woman’s body only stores about 300 mg, enough for about six months? Therefore, especially women should keep track of their iron storage.
But what can you take away from the iron levels in your blood test results?
When you undergo blood testing, your iron levels are a key indicator of your general health status and an important criterion of your nutritional supply.
Serum Iron: Your serum iron refers to the amount of iron circulating in your bloodstream.
Low Serum Iron: Too low concentrations of iron in your blood can be due to diets low in iron or indicate iron deficiency (anemia). Anemia affects the body's ability to produce adequate hemoglobin for red blood cells, reducing oxygen transport to tissues. Low serum iron can also result from blood loss, body changes or Gastrointestinal tract abnormalities. [2]
High Serum Iron: Suggests iron overload. Iron overload can be genetic due to the inherited condition hemochromatosis, where iron in the body slowly builds up over many years. It can also result from blood transfusions or excessive intake of iron supplements. [3]
If you have received your blood test results or are investigating low or high iron levels, ferritin is another blood level that will pop up in your blood analysis.
Ferritin is a blood protein that stores iron within your cells. This blood protein plays a crucial role in regulating your body's iron levels, ensuring that there is a sufficient supply available for vital body functions, such as the formation of your red blood cells. A ferritin blood test can give you insight into your iron stores. [4]
Understanding ferritin levels can help diagnose and manage conditions related to iron imbalance, such as anemia (iron deficiency) or hemochromatosis (iron overload).
Serum Ferritin Levels: Ferritin acts as an iron storage protein, reflecting the total iron reserves in your body.
Low Ferritin: Low ferritin levels are often the first sign of iron deficiency, even before other symptoms become apparent.
High Ferritin: Conversely, a high amount of ferritin might indicate an excess of iron or an inflammatory condition.
Transferrin and Total Iron-Binding Capacity (TIBC): Transferrin is a protein that transports iron through the blood, and TIBC measures all proteins available for binding iron, including transferrin. The TIBC helps assess how well your body can transport and store iron.
High TIBC and low transferrin saturation suggest iron deficiency
Low TIBC could indicate iron overload or chronic illness.
Ferritin is a protein that stores iron inside your cells, acting as a regulator to maintain iron at safe levels and ensure its availability for essential bodily functions. Iron, on the other hand, is a mineral vital for your health, particularly for the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen through your blood. Even though one is a protein and the other a mineral, they are closely connected and work together. [1] [2] [3]
Normal ferritin levels in your blood depend on several factors, including your age, gender, and overall health status. Results are given in nanograms per millilitre (ng/mL).
Ferritin Levels for Men: 24 to 336 ng/mL for adult males. [4]
Ferritin Levels for Women: Healthy levels are often a little lower than for men, ranging from 24 to 307 ng/mL for adult females. [4]
The optimal iron levels in your blood depend on various factors, including your age, gender, and overall health status. Results are given in millilitres (ng/mL) or micromoles per litre (mcmol/L).
However, as a general reference, we provide you with what is considered the normal range for serum iron levels, TIBC and transferrin saturation below:
Iron levels: 60 to 170 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL), or 10.74 to 30.43 micromoles per litre (micromol/L) [3]
Total iron binding capacity (TIBC): 240 to 450 mcg/dL, or 42.96 to 80.55 micromol/L [3]
Transferrin saturation: 20% to 50% [3]
Low ferritin and iron levels typically indicate iron deficiency, which can lead to anemia. Here's an overview of the common symptoms associated with low ferritin and iron levels or anemia: [2] [4]
High ferritin and iron levels can indicate conditions such as hemochromatosis (iron overload) or chronic inflammation.
Symptoms related to high iron levels can be nonspecific and may affect various organs. We have summarized some more common symptoms that are associated with high iron and ferritin levels: [3] [4]
Testing for ferritin and iron involves a blood test. At CARE you have access to comprehensive health check-ups that include blood analysis.
Doing a preventive health check-up means taking your healthcare into your own hands (up to a certain degree), enabling you to detect changes early, stay healthy and potentially avoid medical conditions before they develop.
Your health is your greatest asset and should not be a variable in your future.
Elena is an enthusiastic Health Coach and blog writer at CARE, with a passion for holistic medicine and health. Previously, Elena worked for almost five years as a coach leading retreats, workshops, and seminars. These included mind-body therapy: breath work, meditation, and massage; as well as energy force therapy: reiki, and qi gong; and third expressive therapy: movement, writing and support groups. Elena shares exciting articles on the blog, on the topic of where the alternative and traditional medicine intersect with Western Medicine. Elena is also the driving force behind the CARE community. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, traveling to remote locations and dancing. You might also see her on the lake of Zurich as a coast guard. Join her on her journey to learn more about health and discover the world of preventive medicine! Visit all articles written by Elena!
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